Thursday, October 1, 2015

Kinda Stressed Out

October is officially here and I have never been more stressed. You probably think of school right away. And yeah, I am incredibly stressed about that too, because lets be honest, its a lot of work there. But no, that is not my main reason of my stress on October 1st.


Its almost the end of October (The feeling of time flying, I just learned to write 2015 instead of 2014, and now its almost 2016) and I still haven't worked out my costume! Yeah, you can laugh, but i take Halloween very seriously. I love the creepy makeup and the creative costumes! Its not such a big deal to celebrate Halloween, and I never got to go trick or treating until i was like 10 (and i was the classic witch every year except one year when i was a troll). So maybe that's why I'm really passionate about doing this properly. Go big or go home and all that.

I have those sessions were I can sit on Pintrest, Tumblr and Youtube for hours and just look at inspirations for the best costumes ideas. And I also feel like i should come up with a new idea every year, and it has to be creative. Last year i was a skeleton/demon creature, witch was super popular in my church (not really tho, but they were the ones calling it a Halloween Party). The year before a porcelain ballerina doll, witch gave me the prize of most creative costume at my school (gonna live on that for a while). This year Ive thought about ideas from Tate from American Horror Story to Harley Quinn. But nothing kinda stuck with me. I have the ideas but I'm a perfectionist so a lot of it will take time to do and when you don't have time, then what? All the frustrations.

I'm celebrating it in USA this year. I have had these moments were I've forgot that I'm 21 and freaked out about wanting to go trick or treating. Something I still wanted to do when the thought about me actually being an adult, I just tried to not mention it a month before.

Yeah, I still have time. And yeah, I'll probably find out something before Halloween. But still, this is one of my favorite holiday, and to now get to celebrate it in USA?! Its gonna be awesome anyway.

Are you celebrating Halloween this year? What do you usually do? Any costume ideas? 

I'll update you,
Stine : )

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